

1.dare 怎么用的


1) dare用作实义动词,此时其后的动词不定式可带to也可不带to,且dare有人称和数以及时态的变化。例如:

I dare to jump down from the top of the wall. 我敢从那墙头上跳下来。

She doesn/'t dare (to) meet her teacher/'s eyes. 她不敢与老师对视。

2) dare用作情态动词,后跟动词原形,主要用于疑问句、否定句和条件句中。例如:

How dare she do things like that to me? 她怎么敢对我做那种事?

-Dare you catch the mouse? 你敢去抓那只老鼠吗?

-I daren/'t do that. 我不敢抓。

If you dare say that to our teacher, I would vote for you. 如果你敢向我们的老师说那件事,我就投你一票。

2.Dare 到底怎么用

dare用作实义动词时: dare to do sth // dare do sth;

无三单形式:does dare;

否定时态:don't/doesn't/didn't dare;


变否定句时,直接加not,dare not =daren't 就像can not=can't

例如,对于open a window 这个动作来说,如果是情态动词就应该这样说:I dare open a window,否定就是I dare not open a window(否定句在情态动词后加not)



1、dare用作实义动词时,有时态和人称的变化,用do, does或did来构成否定句或疑问句。





6、dare用作情态动词,一般用于疑问句、否定句或条件句,或与hardly, never, no one, nobody等连用。有时态变化,但没有人称形式的变化,其后接动词原形。构成疑问句和否定句时不用助动词do。


8、表示“在激将法的鼓动下”用for a dare是英式英语用法,用on a dare是美式英语用法。




英 [deə];美 [dɛr]

v. 胆敢;激(某人做某事);(诗、文)冒险,挑战

n. 挑战;激将

n. (Dare) (美)达雷(人名)

例:Over coffee, she lit a cigarette, her eyes daring him to comment.


例:How dare you pick up the phone and listen in on my conversations!






n. 挑战,挑动

v. 敢,胆敢


名词:darer 动词过去式:dared 过去分词:dared 现在分词:daring 第三人称单数:dares



How dare you say so?



He dared me to jump over the river.




Function:verb 而作为动词仍有两种用法:

Inflected Form:dared ; daring ; dares or (auxiliary) dare


verbal auxiliary : to be sufficiently courageous to *no one dared say a word* *she dare not let herself love G. B. Shaw*

intransitive senses : to have sufficient courage *try it if you dare*


transitive senses

(1) a : to challenge to perform an action especially as a proof of courage *dared him to jump*

b : to confront boldly : DEFY *dared the anger of his family*

(2)to have the courage to contend against, venture, or try *the actress dared a new interpretation of this classic role*


5.求高手解答啊 dare是怎么用的



例:Dare he do it?他敢做这件事吗?

2、敢,胆敢:she dared to walk at night.她敢走夜路。


I dare you to say that again!我谅你也不敢再说。

3、敢Try it if you dare.

dare say可能,也许,(侧重不肯定)

dare to say 我敢说,(侧重肯定)

daren't=dare not敢不做某事

doesn't dare to do不敢做某事


do sth. for a dare

被激得做某事, 因为有人挑战所以做某事

give a dare


I dare say

[作插入语用]我想, 大概, 可能, 或许

I dare swear

[作插入语用]我确信, 一定

take a dare


dare sb. to do sth.


7.dare 的用法

dare[deE(r)]n.挑战vi.敢, 胆敢vt.敢冒, 不惧hesitate shy dare[deE(r)]vtdared, daring 竟敢;敢Don't dare do that again! 不要再这样胆大妄为!敢于;敢面对事物He will dare any danger. 他敢冒任何危险。

(与to连用)挑战He dared me to jump over the stream. 他激我跳过小溪。 daren挑战,激将I took his dare. 我接受他的挑战。

hesitate shy DARE=Data Retrieval System 数据检索系统(联合国 UNESCO);Documentation AutomatedRetrieval Equipment 文献处理自动化检索设备;Dovap [Doppler] Automatic Reduction Equipment 多普勒速度与位置测量系统自动换转装置dare[dZE]v.aux.[用在疑问、否定、条件句中, 后接不带 to 的不定式, 没有人称形式, 第三人称单数后不加“s”]敢胆敢, 竟敢She dare not do it.她不敢做那件事。How dare he distort the facts so brazenly!他怎么敢如此肆无忌惮地歪曲事实!darevt.(dared,[古] durst[dE:s]; dared)[其后的不定式带to]敢竟敢, 胆敢敢于面对, 敢于承担(责任, 风险等)挑逗[激](某人做某事); 问有无胆量(做某事)dare to struggle and dare to win敢于斗争, 敢于胜利He will dare any danger.他敢冒任何危险。

Does shedare to go alone?她敢一个人去吗?Tom didn't dare to do it.汤姆不敢做那件事。I don't think he will dare the risk.我想他不会冒那个险。

He dared me to jump over the stream.他激我跳过那条小溪。darevi.(dared, [古] durst [dE:st]; dared)敢Try it if you dare.要是你敢的话, 你就试试看。

daren.胆量, 勇气挑战, 激将I took his dare to jump.我接受他的挑战而跳了。darefuladj.darern.do sth. for a dare被激得做某事, 因为有人挑战所以做某事give a dare挑战I dare say[作插入语用]我想, 大概, 可能, 或许I dare swear[作插入语用]我确信, 一定take a dare[口]接受挑战(特指去做危险事或蠢事)dare sb. to do sth.(挑战用语)估计某人不敢(或没有能力)做某事DareAHD:[d鈘], Virginia1587-1587?D.J.:[dW*r]K.K.:[dWr] NONEThe first child of English parents born in America. She disappeared with other members of the Lost Colony of Roanoke Island in Virginia.dareAHD:[d鈘]D.J.:[dW*r]K.K.:[dWr] v. dared; dar.ing; dares;dare v.tr.To have the courage required for:The gymnast dared a breathtakingly difficult move.To challenge (someone) to do something requiring boldness:They dared me to dive off the high board.To confront or oppose boldly; defy.See: defydare v.intr.To be courageous or bold enough to do or try something:Go ahead and dive if you dare.dare v.aux.To be courageous or bold enough to:I dare not say. How dare she go?dare n.An act of daring; a challenge.Middle English darenfromOld English dearr,first and third person sing. present indicative of durran[ to venture, dare ] *See Also : dhers- In on its sense, the verb dare sometimes behaves like an auxiliary verb (such as can or may) and sometimes like a main verb (such as want or try). When used as an auxiliary verb, dare does not agree with its subject: Let him say that if he dare. It also does not combine with do in questions, negations, or certain other constructions: Dare we tell her the truth? I dare not mention their names.Finally, it does not take to before the complement verb that follows it: If you dare breathe a word about it I'll never speak to you again.When used as a main verb, daredoes agree with its subject (If he dares to show up at her house I'll be surprised), and it does combine with do (Did anyone dare to admit it?). It may optionally take to before the verb following it: No one dares (or dares to) speak freely about the political situation. The auxiliary forms are used primarily in present tense questions, negations, imperatives, and conditional clauses. These forms differ subtly in meaning from the main verb forms in that they emphasize the attitude or involvement of the speakerwhile the main verb forms present a more objective situation. Thus How dare she take the exam without ever once coming to class? expresses indignation at the student's action, whereas How did she dare to take the exam without ever once coming to class? is a genuine request for information. When dare is used as a transitive verb meaning 揷hallenge,?only main verb forms are possible and to is required: Anyone who dares (not dare) him to attempt (not just attempt) it will be sorry.DareAHD:[d鈘], Virginia1587-1587?D.J.:[dW*r]K.K.:[dWr] NONEThe first child of English parents born in America. She disappeared with other members of the Lost Colony of Roanoke Island in Virginia. 戴尔,弗吉尼亚1587-1587?第一个出生在美国的英国女该,她和弗吉尼亚的罗厄诺克岛的失去殖民地的其他成员一起失踪了dareAHD:[d鈘]D.J.:[dW*r]K.K.:[dWr] v. dared; dar.ing; dares;dare v.tr.To have the courage required for: 敢有。



1. 敢;竟敢

How dare you ask me such a question?


My younger sister dare not go out alone.



1. 敢;胆敢[+to-v]

He did not dare to leave his car there.


2. 挑逗,激[O2]

I dare you to cheat me.


3. 敢于面对,敢冒(险)

She dared the anger of her father.

